“Be patient. Everything is coming together.”

stone and rock easy sculpting alpha brush bundle

this bundle is third version of my stone alpha brushes. a time saver for sculpting rocks and stones for digital artists. you can download at my store here:

56 stone and rock easy sculpting alpha brush bundle + video tutorial

this is third bundle so you can get other bundles here:

this bundle include 56 high quality easy sculpting stone and rock height maps

  • 2048*2048 
  • tiff 16 bit format
  • able to use in zbrush, mudbox, 3dcoat, blender etc

file include:

  • alphas folder
  • previews folder
stone and rock easy sculpting alpha brush bundle
stone and rock easy sculpting alpha brush bundle
stone and rock easy sculpting alpha brush bundle
stone and rock easy sculpting alpha brush bundle

also there is a free tutorial for this bundle:

subscribe my channel!
