“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.” Aristotle

jewelry imm brush vol.4 + 3d print format

jewelry imm brush vol3 include 50 low poly jewelry items in various formats and categories : Earring, bracelet, chain.

the zbp files made and compatible by zbrush 2020.1.4 and higher

you can use this bundle alongside : Crown IMM brush bundle + max, fbx, obj

the bundle include:

  • 30 rings : obj, fbx, max 2019(vray)
  • 10 pendants: obj, fbx, max 2019(vray)
  • 10 chains: obj, fbx, max 2019(vray)

the archive include:

  • 3d geometry folder:
    • rings: max all in one, fbx all in one, obj all in one
    • pendants: max all in one, fbx all in one, obj all in one
    • chains: max all in one, fbx all in one, obj all in one
  • ZBP folder:
    • Rings vol4.ZBP: 30 rings imm brush
    • pendants vol4.ZBP : 10 pendants imm brush
    • chains curve vol4.ZBP : 10 chain curve imm brush
  • STL folder (only in commercial version):
    • 30 rings STL files
    • 10 pendants STL files

download here:

65 real stone alpha brush bundle + basemesh stones IMM (2K tiff + free tutorial)

in last volume of my stone and rock alpha brushes i focused on natural and realism so i made this bundle from real rocks and stones.

also i include stone basemeshs as imm brush so you can do whole workflow in Zbrush.

include 100 items: 65 high quality height maps + 35 stone low poly basemesh ( fbx + zbrush imm):

  • 2048*2048 
  • tiff 16 bit format
  • able to use in zbrush, mudbox, 3dcoat etc

file include:

  • Alphas folder
  • Previews folder
  • rocks base mesh folder: 35 fbx file
  • zbp folder: rock base mesh IMM.ZBP

free tutorial and workflow of making the rock on the main cover, in the YouTube video below:

you can download previous stone bundles here:

and download this bundle here:

80 military bullet belt Zbrush IMM

in addition to my previous zbrush IMM products i made military bullet belt zbrush inset mesh brush bundle. by this you can do easily and faster your modeling workflow.

this bundle include military and bullet belt and holder as Zbrush IMM brush. most of items are mid poly and low poly :

  • bullets
  • bag
  • bullet holder
  • bullet belt
  • military belt
  • grenade
  • knife
  • gas

you can checkout video promotion below:

archive include:

  • .ZBP file :
    • belts- curve brush.ZBP : 59 items
    • belts- simple curve brush.ZBP: 5 items
    • imm military and bullet.ZBP: 16 items
  • 3d volume folder : all in one file: max (2016 material vray), fbx, obj 

note1: this product is compatible with zbrush software version 2020.1.4 and higher

you can download the product at my Artstation store here:

Flowers IMM brush vol 3

according to my previous plant and flower imm brushes i decide to make third volume of my flower insert mesh brush for zbrush: Flowers IMM brush vol 3

this pack include flowers zbrush imm brush: 26 elements also check out vol 1 and vol 2 here:

Flowers IMM brush + free video tutorial

Flowers IMM brush + free video tutorial

archive include:

  • .ZBP file :Flowers IMM vol3
  • 3d geometry folder : all in one file: max (2016 material vray), fbx, obj + texture folder

you can use this product alongside ivy and leaf imm brush :https://www.artstation.com/a/965665 & https://www.artstation.com/a/5056432

note1: this product is compatible with zbrush software version 2020.1.4 and higher

note2: imm brush include flowers with material id that inserted into zbrush as poly groups. before insert:

  1. make UV of your basemesh to preserve flowers UV for assign material afterward.
  2.  click on “make polymesh 3d” in Zbrush before use the brush to preserve flowers object id as poly groups for export poly groups as separate geometries (obj)

you can download the bundle here at my artstation store:

zbrush tie IMM brush bundle

zbrush tie IMM brush bundle is a time saver to easily add tie and papillon into your project.

zbrush tie IMM brush bundle

note: the zbp files are made and compatible with zbrush 2021.5 and higher

zbrush tie IMM brush bundle include 12 zbrush imms + 2 curve brush cravat and papillon tie for suit : all unwrapped and optimized polygon segments

archive include: 

  • 3d geometry folder:
    • fbx all in one file
    • obj all in one file
    • max all in one file: ver 2016
  • 2 zbp files

note2: to preseve UVs your  base mesh must have its UV before

zbrush tie IMM brush bundle
zbrush tie IMM brush bundle

Download this bundle here at my artstation store:

Good luck 😉


ZBRUSH LOW POLY HAIRSTYLE GENERATOR is a time saver for easily modeling hairstyles in zbrush.

easily make your low poly hairstyle in zbrush:

  • plait
  • braid
  • knitted hair
  • pony tail
  • hair ties

this bundle include 41 zbrush imms : 20 hair and tie imm brush as solid and poly strips (see previews)

  • 10 solid imm curve brush + 10 solid insert mesh brush
  • 11 poly strip imm curve brush + 10 poly strip insert mesh brush
  • 3 stroke size curve files included for curve brushes

archive include: 

  • fbx files: all meshes 
  • materials folder: head skin material (sbsar+ textures) + hair opacity maps + 2 max (2016) files( vray hair material spheres)
  • 4 zbp files
  • 3 zcv files

note: the zbp files are made and compatible with zbrush 2021.5 and higher

note2: to preseve the hair uv your head base mesh must have its UV before


you can download this bundle here at my artstation store:

video tutorial of this bundle:

Good luck 😉

jewelry imm brush vol.3

hi. this is volume 3 of jewelry imm brush. in this volume i focused on earring and bracelet and provided by various 3d formats and categories: Earring, bracelet, chain

jewelry imm brush vol.3

the bundle include:

  • 20 earrings : obj, fbx, max 2016(vray)
  • 20 bracelets: obj, fbx, max 2016(vray)
  • 10 chains: obj, fbx, max 2016(vray)

the archive include:

  • 3d geometry folder: 
    • earrings : max all in one, fbx all in one, obj all in one
    • bracelets: max all in one, fbx all in one, obj all in one
    • chains: max all in one, fbx all in one, obj all in one
  • ZBP folder:
    • earrings-vol3.ZBP: 20 earrings imm brush
    • bracelets-vol3.ZBP : 20 bracelets imm brush
    • chains curve-vol3.ZBP : 10 chain curve imm brush
  • STL folder (only in commercial version): 
    • 20 bracelets STL files
    • 20 earrings STL files

note: the zbp files made and compatible by zbrush 2020.1.4 and higher

jewelry imm brush vol.3

previous jewelry products:

jewelry imm brush vol.3

you can download this bundle here at my artstation store:

good luck 😉

jewelry IMM brush

hi. i started my jewelry zbrush IMM brush bundle by this volume. a major part of my products focuses on fashion and cosmetics so if you are interested i hope you enjoy this bundle.

jewelry IMM brush

jewelry imm brush vol1 include 50 low poly jewelry items in various formats and categories.

the bundle include:

  • 20 rings : obj, fbx, max(vray)
  • 20 chains : obj, fbx, max(vray)
  • 10 necklaces pendant : obj, fbx, max(vray)

the archive include:

  • 3d geometry folder: 
    • rings: max all in one, fbx all in one, obj all in one
    • chains: max all in one, fbx all in one, obj all in one
    • necklaces: max all in one, fbx all in one, obj all in one
  • ZBP folder:
    • chains.ZBP : 20 chains imm curve brush
    • Necklaces.ZBP : 10 Necklaces imm brush
    • rings.ZBP : 20 rings imm brush
  • STL folder (only in commercial version): 
    • 10 necklaces STL files
    • 20 rings STL files
jewelry IMM brush

download at art station store here. 😉

Flowers IMM brush vol2

this is second volume of my flower IMM brush bundle. you can see first flower volume here:

Flowers IMM brush + free video tutorial

in this volume I inserted other types of plants in various formats.

Flowers IMM brush

this pack include flowers zbrush imm brush: 27 element

you can also get vol 1 here: https://www.artstation.com/a/3885510

and vol 3 here: https://www.artstation.com/a/12206223

archive include:

  • .ZBP file in “ZBP” folder
  • 3d volume folder : all in one file: max (2014 material vray), fbx, obj + texture folder
Flowers IMM brush
Flowers IMM brush

you can use this product alongside ivy and leaf imm brush :https://www.artstation.com/a/965665 & https://www.artstation.com/a/5056432

note1: this product is compatible with zbrush software: v2021, v2020

note2: imm brush include flowers with material id that inserted into zbrush as poly groups. before insert:

  1. make UV of your basemesh to preserve flowers UV for assign material afterward.
  2.  click on “make polymesh 3d” in Zbrush before use the brush to preserve flowers object id as poly groups for export poly groups as separate geometries (obj)
Flowers IMM brush

you can download this bundle here at my artstation store:

you can see video tutorial of vol 1 for understanding how to use flowers imm and how to arrange a bouquet with them:

Zbrush leaf and plant IMM (LOW POLY)

this is my third plant Zbrush insert mesh bundle. i thought we can make our low poly plants and game environment design directly in Zbrush so i made this bundle.

Zbrush leaf and plant IMM (LOW POLY)

this pack include leaf and plant zbrush imm brush: 20 “low poly” wall plant + 2 hanged ivy curve brush

archive include:

  • 2 .ZBP file in “ZBP” folder
  • “3d volume” folder : all in one file: max (2016 material vray), fbx, obj + texture folder

you can use this product alongside ivy and leaf imm brush :https://www.artstation.com/a/965665 and flowers imm brush:https://www.artstation.com/a/3885510

note1: this product is compatible with zbrush software: v2021, v2020

note2: imm brush include low poly plants with material id that inserted into zbrush as poly groups. before insert:

  1. make UV of your basemesh to preserve leaves UV for assign material afterward.
  2.  click on “make polymesh 3d” in Zbrush before use the brush to preserve plants object id as poly groups for export poly groups as separate geometries (obj)
Zbrush leaf and plant IMM (LOW POLY)
Zbrush leaf and plant IMM (LOW POLY)

there is a video promotion and how to use video tutorial here:

subscribe my channel!
