
stone and rock alpha brush bundle

hi . this is second bundle of my easy sculpting rock and stone alpha brushes. this volume come with 45 high quality alpha height maps. detail listed below:

  • 2048*2048 
  • tiff 16 bit format
  • able to use in zbrush, mudbox, 3dcoat, blender etc

file include:

  • alphas folder
  • previews folder
stone and rock alpha brush bundle
stone and rock alpha brush bundle
stone and rock alpha brush bundle

you can see free how to use video tutorial here:

also you can download the pack here at my artstation store and here for vol 1

enjoy and good luck.

wall ornament and molding alphas + 3d model

this bundle include 15 high quality height maps + corresponding 3d model for your architecture visualization workflow. you can use them as displacement map on your interior and make best quality output with a lightweight scene. you can see an example below:

bundle detail:

  • 2048*2048
  •  tiff 16 bit format
  •  able to use in any software that can use alpha height map such as  zbrush, mudbox, 3dcoat blender etc
  • 15 wall molding 3d object all in one max file: version 2014
  • 15 wall molding 3d object all in one fbx file

file include:

  • alphas folder
  • previews folder
  • maxALL file
  • fbxALL file

you can download this bundle here at my artstation store.

thank you and good luck 😉

cloth and damage alphas

hi. i am going to introduce you two of my last products.

  • 70 cloth and fabric alphas
  • +65 wall damage alphas

alpha maps or height maps are special purpose textures that used as displacement or bump map and can be effective in shape the surface of a 3d object and are usable in any sculpting software that can use black and white height map such as zbrush, mudbox, blender, 3dcoat etc.

for best possible quality the format of every alpha is tif 16bit,

you can get these two product from my artstation store here or from below,

my flippednormal store: https://flippednormals.com/downloads/70-cloth-and-fabric-alphas-2k/

my cubebrush store: http://cbr.sh/w0umt1

my gumroad store:

3d model of poplar trees

Hi. In this post i intended to introduce you one of my latest plant 3d models. Lombardi poplar tree

First the process begin in speed tree software. The shape and wind direction applied to levels of tree structure. And then exported to Autodesk 3dsmax.

Tried to be natural and look a like real tree as much as possible. Although poly count in plant category is almost big but efforts made in optimizations.

you can see the images below:

and if you want to download these six model you can get from here and here

tanx and have good life! 😉

Persian modern style sofa FREE model


in this post i intend to share the free 3d model of persian modern double sofa

the model made by 3ds max 2016 and rendered by vray 3.6

archived in .rar file and include:

  • .max file version 2014
  • .fbx file
  • textures folder

all elements have unique names and ready to merge with your scene

you can see screenshots below:

main cover:

poly count is 102k and the archive size is 18mb. you can download it for free from my dropbox

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