“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.” Aristotle

Products Showcase

wall ornament and molding alphas + 3d model

this bundle include 15 high quality height maps + corresponding 3d model for your architecture visualization workflow. you can use them as displacement map on your interior and make best quality output with a lightweight scene. you can see an example below:

bundle detail:

  • 2048*2048
  •  tiff 16 bit format
  •  able to use in any software that can use alpha height map such as  zbrush, mudbox, 3dcoat blender etc
  • 15 wall molding 3d object all in one max file: version 2014
  • 15 wall molding 3d object all in one fbx file

file include:

  • alphas folder
  • previews folder
  • maxALL file
  • fbxALL file

you can download this bundle here at my artstation store.

thank you and good luck 😉

easy sculpting rock and cliff alphas bundl

i want to introduce you my rock and cliff bundle. this pack include 30 easy sculpting rock and cliff alphas all tileable and tiff 16 bit


  • 2048*2048 tilable
  • tiff 16 bit format
  • able to use in zbrush, mudbox, 3dcoat, blender etc

file include:

  • alphas folder
  • previews folder

you can easily make rock and cliff in minutes by this bundle. you can see a video tutorial for this bundle here:

also you can buy this bundle here at my artstation store. good luck 😉

wood damage alpha brush bundle

wood damage alpha brush bundle is one of my damage alpha brush packs alongside my wall and metal damage bundles.

this pack include 43 high quality wood damage height maps

  • 4096*4096
  • tiff 16 bit format
  • able to use in zbrush, mudbox, 3dcoat, blender etc

file include:

  • alphas folder
  • previews folder

you can download this product at my artstation store here or at flipped normal store here

wood damage alpha brush bundle

also you can download here at my gumroad store:

Buy my product

human skin alphas brush bundle

hi. i am willing to introduce you my skin alpha brush bundle. this pack come with 38 high quality height maps include:

  • 2048*2048 and 4096*4096 (some tileable)
  •  tiff 16 bit 
  • able to use in zbrush, mudbox, 3dcoat, blender etc

file include:

  • alphas folder
  • previews folder

must of images are seamless so this bundle is unique and tillable so you can use this in both sculpting and visualization projects. there are some of previews:

you can download this bundle here at my art station store: https://www.artstation.com/a/65696

or at my flipped normal store here:


or my cubebrush store:


skin alpha brush bundle

38 skin alpha brush bundle

price: 5.90$ – 29$
format: tiff 16 bit
2K and 4K tileable

click to inline buy from gumroad:

metal damage alpha pack

this pack include 70 metal damage alphas i made for purchase. you can use them for your cg projects for instance realism or gaming and concept art.

this pack include 75 high quality height maps

  • 4096*4096
  • tiff 16 bit format
  • able to use in zbrush, mudbox, 3dcoat, blender etc

file include:

  • alphas folder
  • previews folder

you can buy it from my artstation store here: https://artstn.co/m/9d9V

or at my flipped normal here: https://flippednormals.com/downloads/70-metal-surface-damage-alpha-pack-tiff-16bit-4k/

or cubebrush store: http://cbr.sh/4i1o9t

metal damage alpha brush
metal damage alpha brush

also you can get from my gumroad store below:

cloth and wrinkle alpha pack

hi. this is one of my popular products for fabric and cloth alpha and normal maps. you can use this bundle for save time in your 3d visualization projects.

this bundle includ:

31 high quality height and normal maps

  • 2048*2048 and 4096*4096
  •  tiff 16 bit and jpg format
  • able to use in zbrush, mudbox, 3dcoat, blender etc

file include:

  • alphas folder
  • normal maps folder
  • previews folder

you can download at my artstation store here: https://artstn.co/m/9mvb

or at my flippednormal store here: https://flippednormals.com/downloads/30-fabric-wrinkle-alphasnormal-v2-4k-2k-all-tileable/

or at my gumroad store:

decorative wall molding 3d model

wall decoration molding 3d model is my last modeling practice and you can download from my store in cgtrader here. full description here:

  • Most of the models and elements converted into editable polys.
  • the model have unique name relative to product code and can be merged within your scene safely.
  • files include .max .fbx and maps folder are archived in .rar file.
  • product archive has an image cover.
  • Included Formats:
  • 3ds Max 2016 V-Ray
  • Autodesk FBX
  • Texture folders
  • ================================
  • 3D Model Specifications
  • Geometry: Polygonal
  • Polygons count: 257k
  • Textures: Yes
  • Materials: Yes
  • Rigged: No
  • Animated: No
  • UV Mapped: Yes
  • Unwrapped UVs: Mixed
  • ================================
  • model are made in Autodesk 3dsmax as native software. Materials and rendered previews are v-ray or corona. in the case of using other softwares or render engines the fbx file can be useful as geometry and without materials.
  • Good luck!

30 droplet alphas + 8 PBR wet glass material

this bundle include 30 high quality droplet height maps

  • 4096*4096
  •  tiff 16 bit format
  • tileable
  •  able to use in any software that can use alpha height map such as  zbrush, mudbox, 3dcoat blender etc

8 BPR high quality wet glass material

  •  4096*4096
  • jpg
  • diffuse, height, normal, refract, refract glossiness
  • preview for each material
  • tileable

file include:

  • alphas folder
  • alpha previews folder
  • bpr material folder (8 sub-folders)

you can get this bundle here at artstation or flippednormal. hope you enjoy

chekout all my product using category tag products.

droplet alphas
droplet alphas
droplet alphas

22 PBR Rattan and Wicker 4K Material

this product include 22 PBR 4k Rattan and Wicker  Material that grouped in 8 texture type and 22 color variation

channels included:

  • diffuse
  • bump
  • normal
  • reflect
  • displacement
  • opacity (for one type)

format: jpg and tif(16bit)

dimension: 4096*4096

this is one of my substance material bundles. i posted leather material bundle before at here;

you can get it from my store at artstation or at flippednormal. hope you enjoy

22 BPR Rattan & Wicker 4K Material
rattan and wicker pbr material
rattan and wicker pbr material
rattan and wicker pbr material

56 damage alpha pack (4K)

hi. this is my second damage alpha pack. include 56 high detailed wall damage and tracks. the dimension is 4k 4096*4096 and 16 bit tiff format that is best choice for sculpting also work prefect with displacement.

check out first version here at: http://mgh-3d.com/2020/06/01/cloth-and-damage-alphas/

you can check the previews below:

you can get this at my artstation store here or at my store in gumroad below:

enjoy and good luck 😉

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