
real fabric PBR material bundle

real fabric PBR material bundle include 2k PBR materials that made from real fabrics. i provided heightmap channel of these materials as real fabric alpha brush bundle if you want get the alpha heightmap channel cheaper.

real fabric PBR material bundle

this bundle include 45 PBR fabric material extracted from real fabric.

size:2048*2048 tilable

the archive include these channels: JPG and TIFF

  • base color
  • ambient occlusion
  • roughness
  • height map
  • Specular
  • normal map

the file include

  • PBR material folder:45 sub-folder
  • material preview folder
real fabric PBR material bundle

download PBR material here:

and if you want heightmap alpha bundle:

this bundle include 45 tilable 2k tiff images extracted from real fabric.

include 45 high quality height maps

  • 2048*2048
  • tiff 16 bit format
  • able to use in zbrush, mudbox, 3dcoat etc

the archive include:

  • alpha folder
  • preview folder
real fabric PBR material bundle
real fabric PBR material bundle

download alpha brush bundle here:

good luck 😉

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